Monday, March 19, 2012

What Am I To Look Foward To

I'm in the process of growth I have gone back to school to get a higher degree and better myself.
In this process I had to let some things go that were hindering me.
I was told that I was unfair in this process but I was blind sided for years. I let things go past that I should have addressed and now I'm at the point where I needed to change everything.
I need to get a focus on my life and learn how to deal, speak up, put my foot down with out getting angry. Class starts tomorrow wish me luck.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Today Positive In All

Today has been a blessed one. I am feeling so good right now, not because its Sunday Its because Its another day that God has allowed me to get up and do the things that I have to do. My process began a month ago and is going to continue until I get the result that I desire and I will succeed in completing  everything I do. I am looking forward to my progress today so ttyl.

Monday, January 2, 2012

What Is True happiness

What is true happiness to me?
True happiness is to be one with God.
Being able to get along with anyone .
having the ability and the know how to get any and everything I want.
What do you think?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Weirdness In The Sky

I was on my way home on the bus  and I notice these weird clouds in the sky. When I first looked up at them the first thing that came to my mind was "something is on fire", but as I got closer to my home I realized that there is no smoky smell, fire trucks or blackness filling the sky.
These are clouds and never in my life have I seen them shaped like this.  I felt I had to share it with the online world. So here you go weird shaped clouds in the sky.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why I Call Myself "THE ONE"

I labeled myself this because I'm a very good person who spends not some but all my free time with my children. I will give to my children before myself. I have given my all to my family and ask nothing in return.
Not every mother is like me and I like to think that there are some out there better than me. I'm not perfect, no one is but in this family I am The One

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


From Friday to Tuesday I was sick as a dog. puking out my fucking guts and shitting up a storm and all the while I has to cook, clean, and take care of the baby. Hell no I got no help no body gave me any sympathy or remorse. My insides burned like hell just drinking water but did anyone care that I was sick, NO Everybody was "can you do this and can you do that". No one asked are you ok Mamah until I couldn't get up. What ever mess I made I had to Clean up no my own. So I came to the fact that if I can do all this shit sick as a dog imagine what I can do when I'm well. Yeah that's how I got to look at it to keep me focused away from the sad fact that no one really gives a shit but then there is karma and it will bit you in the ass in the end.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wow What A F-ed Up Week

Yeah I'm back with some more shit that happened this time its about my phone.
Ok last thursday I call my carrier to complain about my phone acting up so they ordered me one right.
None of the ass holes called me back to let me know that the damn thing was on back order so I called to check on it Saturday and  they tried to check the order and gave me a date of tuesday. Ok I get the phone and it worse than my first one so I have to take it in to the store. Craziness just pure craziness.